
  • Was born in February 2008 at Point Defiance Zoo & Aquarium in Tacoma, WA
  • Was named by donors after a character in The Hunger Games; his previous companion Katniss was also named after a HG character, but she passed away in December 2016 after a prolonged kidney ailment
  • Is considered “laid back” and “easygoing” by keepers, likes playing with his food in the large pool
  • Is very quick to train, and responds to around ten different commands
three otter pups sip from a small stream

Otter Pups

  • Born at the Santa Barbara Zoo on November 12, 2021
  • Four pups, two female and two male
  • Started exploring their habitat in late January 2022
  • Are healthy, curious, and super cute


  • Was born in November 2013 at Greensboro Science Center, NC, and arrived at the Zoo in March 2017
  • Was named by donors after Gale, the second of Katniss’ love interests in The Hunger Games franchise; spelling was changed to a female version
  • Looks almost exactly like Peeta, except has more whiskers
  • Is very “talkative,” and her vocalizations sound like mouse squeaks
  • Bonded quickly with Peeta, and likes to put her tail over his head

Dexterous Hunters

The smallest of all the 13 otter species, Asian small-clawed otters’ claws do not extend beyond the ends of their fingers and toes — thus the name. They use their dexterous paws to feel through mud, in crevices, and under rocks in search of their next meal of freshwater snails, clams, crabs, crawfish, and frogs. In contrast, local Southern sea otters use their mouths to hunt and utilize tools like rocks to crack open sea snails and urchins.


If Peeta wants something, he tilts his head to the side as if to say, ‘I’m so cute!’ He also knows his name. If I tell him ‘Peeta, no,’ he will stop whatever he’s doing. Then he puts his head to the side and tries that cute face.

HeatherMammal Keeper

Conservation Status

The IUCN Red List confirms that this species is “Vulnerable,” due to habitat loss and poaching.

Shop Smart

Palm oil is a common ingredient in candy, cookies, and lots of other foods…but did you know that it is also in shampoo, pet food, cosmetics, and household cleaning products too? Indonesian and Malaysian forests are being cut down to create more farmland for palm oil, causing habitat loss for many animals. Choose products made without palm oil, or that contain sustainably produced palm oil.